Localization and Internationalization

Localizing the end user’s experience has three components: configuring user’s language preferences, configuring preferred number formatting, and localization of your custom metadata object (such as data model elements, names of measures, dashboards, etc.)

GoodData’s user interface was supporting the following languages at the time of writing this article:

  • English (US)
  • Spanish
  • French
  • German
  • Dutch
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese
  • Chinese (simplified)

Preferred language can be set either using the user interface or using the following APIs using the domain admin account:

  • /gdc/account/profile/{profile_id} to set the preferred language
  • /gdc/account/profile/{profile_id}/settings/separators to set the preferred thousand and decimal separators

The number format can be customized with a custom thousand separator and decimal separator (“,” and “.” by default).

Note: the separators API is not currently documented (a fix has been already requested). The resource expects the following payload sent via the HTTP PUT method in order to format 1,000.23 as 1 000,23:

  "separators": {
    "thousand": " ",
    "decimal": ","

The names of attributes, facts, metrics, visualizations, dashboards, and other custom metadata objects can be localized by uploading one or multiple translations in the XLIFF format. The process of getting a current localization and uploading a new one is described in the Metadata Localization documentation page.

Currently, the custom translation of metadata objects can be provided only for the aforementioned list of languages natively supported by the GoodData platform.