GoodData University

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Normality Testing - Skewness and Kurtosis

How to use MAQL to calculate skewness and kurtosis for testing the normality of data sets.

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Time Series Analysis - Lagged Correlation and R-Squared

How to use MAQL for analyzing time-lagged correlations and R-squared values.

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Covariance and Correlation and R-Squared

How to use MAQL to analyze the relationship between two variables.

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Time Series Forecasting

How to forecast using simple and weighted moving average models in time series analysis.

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Logical Data Model - Basic Rules of Data Modelling

The article outlines five fundamental rules for creating a Logical Data Model in GoodData.

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Embed dashboard with a silent login via Auth0

How to embed a dashboard into a custom React.js application using silent login via Okta SSO.

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